Thursday, April 27, 2023

EOTO #2 Reaction; Miss-Information

 Well, the impossible has happened. Turns out, I actually don't know everything.

I never knew the fundamental difference between the world wide web and internet until the presentation was given. The irony of this weighs heavily on me, as if I had used either of these services, I would've easily been able to find my answer. 

But what does this mean for other Americans? Certainly there is a wide variety of Americans who also do not understand these differences; in fact, it would not be surprising if the majority of these people use the internet and world wide web everyday!

The irony of it all is that this ignorance to the things we interact with everyday came about from the internet and web itself! The processes of which make up the world around us are hidden, to give the illusion of a shiny result with little work or err. Mistakes and failure are unacceptable in the 21st Century. Before the internet, people had to learn the processes in order to find the solution. Now, it's matter of a few key strokes. 

The art of "solving" for an answer is lost. Now, we "find" answers. This has undercut the entirety of American life, where workers have devolved to drones, with little to no problem solving ability to speak of. 

As the workforce still remains a generation pre-internet and world wide web, they stay savvy to the wonders of the internet, web, and the processes that got us here. Having a father who was a programmer for 40 years is the best resource I could have, a walking timeline of the changes to technology in the workplace, and how it inherently affected the staff at his own workplace. 

There is something more dangerous than Misinformation; Miss-information. Valuable knowledge is useless if no one bothers to learn and understand it. 

As technology increases its capabilities, and our own ignorance, being aware of the world around us and how it operates becomes more important. Try and gain information and learn, rather than memorize and compute. The world is full of things waiting to be learned, and excited people willing to teach them. 

Or of course, you could just Google it.

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