Friday, April 28, 2023

Diffusion Theory; Science, or Psuedo?

 Extra! Extra! Read all about it! Brand new invention hits the shores of America!

This is how I imagine, ironically, how the invention of the newspaper would travel; via newspaper. I lead with this nugget of irony to highlight that there is no exact way to define how inventions and ideas reach the masses. 

Diffusion Theory works through a mathematical model, which is something I unfortunately reject; I feel very strongly about the quantification of human behavior. As good and refined as any metric may be, there is always an heir of uncertainty regarding human behavior. 

My question is what is the diffusion theory... of diffusion theory?

As our technology and ability to transfer information improve seemingly by the day, shoudln't our ability to transfer and consume information improve as well? Of course, this is accounted for in models, but the models remain inaccurate as to the weirdness of our existence. 

Even the most revolutionary invention, if banned by the CCP, will never be seen or utilized by well over one BILLION people. So where does diffusion account for this? 

Or perhaps, an agrarian farming technique revolutionizes wheat yields for farmers. For the coastal elite of the United States, how is it gaged when there is a discovery they have no reason, nor desire to learn?

I summarize these questions and ramblings to say that diffusion theory boils down to the act of the individual. Those who are curious, inquisitive, and open minded will always learn more, and faster, than those with eyes wide shut. 

We humans LOVE to make things neat and orderly, so much so it can define our thinking. But this bell curve does not work without the motivated individual. 

Learning is not a science, it is an art. It is an action for us all to engage in. 

So get out there and try and get ahead of the curve.

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