Wednesday, January 11, 2023

Top 5 Sources of Information

 The top 5 sources of information in my life vary greatly, as my interests span across all mediums. Here are my top 5, and maybe we have one or two in common!

1. Reddit

I use what are called "megathreads" to be able to try and compile the most perspective of information possible using their site. In terms of news, I believe the variable of merit is quantity over quality. In the modern age, Reddit allows me to amass dozens upon dozens of perspectives to best be able to formulate my own opinion on news subject, while also providing communities for some of my more niche hobbies and interests. For those who have never used it, I would highly recommend it. It is accessible through any internet browser, as well as having a mobile app. Best of all, its free! 

2. MSM Through social media

This source contains the various organizations and individuals who i follow on Tiktok, Instagram, and other social media sites. This allows me to be able to choose from the mainstream narrative the opinions I trust, while condensing the content I want to consume. For example, rather than watching an hour of MSNBC, I can follow Jim Cramer on Instagram in order to see his condensed segment without having to patiently wait through a whole television program. Please do note,  I would never actually go to Jim Cramer for financial advice; I have standards, I promise!

3. Cable Television News

Cable Television News is where I consume the vast majority of my political information. I don't necessarily indulge in the propaganda machine of major networks, but even as times change, Cable News is still the home of most mainstream political content. More or less, these are the true battlegrounds of politics; interviews, debates, speeches; the list goes on and on! More than anything, I will make an admission; my most watched program is the 6:30 ABC World News with David Muir... this is only because its on before Jeopardy! Rest in peace, Mr. Trebek. 

4. Daily Interactions with Others 

This is my opinion is the most underutilized news source in the world; talking to people! We as humans underestimate how much we can learn from one another, and this is no different in the case of gathering the news from a human being on a TV screen. I try and learn from people around me, even if the information is seemingly useless. Just today, I learned that one of the employees in the Cafe was a former veteran; this isn't "news" per se, but regardless the world is full of interesting information. Talk to someone you normally wouldn't, and I promise you can learn something new!

5. Bleacher Report

Bleacher Report is my go to service for all things sports related, as their new age model gets news out quicker and in a more palatable format than industry stalwart ESPN. Even venturing just outside sports, the app contains news on sports gaming, professional wrestling, and a variety of niche interests that often overlap with the sports world. Its a one stop shop for many of my interests, which makes the app a staple of my news gathering repertoire. Sports is a year round business, and I receive notifications 365 days a year. No days off!

These mediums are how I most commonly consume my information. We live in the information age, and sometimes enough is enough. More important than consuming media, its important to take brain breaks to take care of your wellbeing. Your wellbeing should always come first!

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